IEEE Bushy Tree

The Alto came out of Xerox's original Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), known for giving its research groups substantial freedom and generous funding, and was one of the most innovative computers ever designed. Often called the first personal computer or workstation, it used bit-mapped graphics, a mouse, menus, icons and other features that would prove to be the basic technologies of today's PCs. The designers also created the Ethernet local area networking protocol to link Altos within PARC.

Alto information at

Parallel Developments
Xerox Alto - Xerox Dorado - Three Rivers PERQ - ETH Lilith
Legacy "trunk"
Preceded by
Evans & Sutherland Projects, Stanford AI Labs Projects, Reactive Engine, NLS and FLEX
Xerox Alto Followed by
X Window System and Smalltalk
Word 2008 Branch
Preceded by
Xerox Alto Followed by
Word 2008 Branch
Preceded by
Xerox Alto Followed by
Sil Branch
Preceded by
Xerox Alto Followed by
Draw Branch
Preceded by
Xerox Alto Followed by
Photoshop Branch
Preceded by
Xerox Alto Followed by
Photoshop Branch
Preceded by
Xerox Alto Followed by
PDF/RIA Branch
Preceded by
Xerox Alto Followed by
TIB/InConcert Branch
Preceded by
Xerox Alto Followed by
Office Talk
ANSI Common Lisp Branch
Influenced by
Xerox Alto Influenced